Monday, August 2, 2010

Duke + Winston

Here is a sketch I did a while back for Duke + Winston, an awesome apparel company. The mascot for the company is the owner's bulldog. By a great stroke of chance, I had the opportunity to show this to the head designer, and although they didn't end up using it, I had a lot of fun creating it! I hope to work with them sometime in the future :)

Highlights from this past week include:
-cutoff shorts
-free beer with my hair cut (and the fact that I finally got a haircut)
-donating a bunch of clothes (five bagfuls!!)
-awesome yard sale finds (which I will share in a future post)
-finding a beautiful new apartment to share with my man
-new freelance clients
-my amazingly supportive family, friends and boyfriend
-obsessively listening to Glee
-discovering new iPhone apps that make freelancing easier!

More news developing this week! I'll keep you posted.


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